Kim Ku lim
Kim Kulim, known as Korea’s first avant-garde artist, has worked in film, light, performance, and land art, often stretching the limits of a given medium. Primarily self-taught, he moved to New York after he dropped out of college and became involved with the Art Students League of New York, participating in a number of group exhibitions. Back in Korea, he held his first solo exhibition in 1958 at Daegu Information Center, and soon expanded his artistic practice beyond painting. In the 1960s Kim began to emphasize the materiality of painting in a radical way. For his artistic “deconstructions” he often used burned plastics, vinyl, and metal bits alongside oil paint. He incorporated ready-made objects in his painted canvases, created installation art, and staged performances. He played a leading part in several artist collectives (Painting 68, A.G. Group, The Fourth Group) and brought many firsts to the Korean art world. He filmed Korea’s first experimental movies Munmyeong, Yeoja, Don (Civilization, Woman, Money, 1969); and 1/24 (Cho) ui Uimi (The Meaning of 1/24 Second, 1969), staged the nation’s first body painting performance, initiated the first Korean mail art Maeseu Midieo ui Yumul (The Relics of Mass Media, 1969), and was responsible for Korea’s first examples of land art Chujeog e Hyeonsang Eseo (From Phenomenon to Traces, 1970).
1960년대 이후 현재까지 이어지는 끊임없는 실험 정신과 넓은 스펙트럼의 결과물들은, 자칫 안일함에 빠질 수 있었던 한국 미술계에 신선한 자극이 되어 왔다. '끊임없이 새로운 것'을 추구하며 비주류의 삶을 겁없이 걸어온 그의 삶은, 주류와 트렌드만 쫓는 동시대 미술의 예술과 작가들에게, 자신의 현주소를 뒤돌아보게 만드는 촉매제로써 부족함이 없다고 평가받는다.
Selected Exhibitions
Selected Collections
1936, Sang-ju, Korea
2017, Eun-gwan Cultural Medal
2014, Seoul Culture Today Culture Awards Contemporary Category
2016, Traces of Life and Death, Arario Gallery, Seoul 2014, Lost Beauty, Place Mak, Seoul
2014, Deep Rose, Arario Gallery, Seoul
2013, Without knowing it well, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
2013, Endless Journey , Tongin Auction Gallery, Seoul
2012, A Bigger Splash : painting after performance , Tate Modern, London
2010, Yin and Yang, CSP 111 Art Space, Seoul
2008, Exhibition of Artist Gurim Kim, Gallery Bandi, Seoul 2
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
Hoam Art Museum, Korea
Hong-ik University Museum, Korea
Seoul National University Museum, Korea
Busan Museum of Art, Korea
Tate Modern, London
Bepis County Museum of Art, USA
Frankfurt Citizen Hall, Germany
주요 전시
주요 작품 소장처
1936, 경상북도 상주
2017, 은관문화훈장
2014, 서울문화투데이 문화대상 현대부문
2016, 삶과 죽음의 흔적, 아라리오갤러리, 서울
2014, 사라진 아름다움, 플레이스막, 서울
2014, 진한 장미, 아라리오갤러리, 서울
2013, 잘 알지도 못하면서, 서울시립미술관, 서울
2013, 끝없는 여정, 통인옥션갤러리, 서울
2012, A Bigger Splash : painting after performance, 테이트 모던,런던
2010, 음 양, CSP 111 아트스페이스, 서울
2008, 김구림 화백 작품전,갤러리 반디, 서울
베켄카운티 미술관
프랑크프루트 시민회관
홍익대학교 미술관
서울대학교 박물관
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