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Chung Sang Gon

20-1. 밤 풍경, 145x75cm, 3점. oil on canvas, 2020.jpg

The canvas of Sanggon Chung represents a chaotic state of swarming substances. The canvas is floating on the whole and filled with the states of brush stroke, shaking, wetness, stickiness, or trembling. The intense movement is felt and the dizziness of senses is about to surge which is derived when you met the passage of time and the scenery. It seems as if the images dragging the screen, the digital sensibility conflicts with the analogue painting.

The overflow of solvents which dissolves oil paints makes the surface of it wet, so properties of the matters in the canvas have not been fixed but are floating. It is filled with traces of split, spread colors and brush touches come from fast, strong moves. The painting is both accident and inevitable, is mixture of digital and analogue and also mixture of the surface (skin) and the depth. The substances cross from an image to the other image. This is the painting in which they all are in harmony and coexist. The traces of several layers of the surface remind us of mountains, rocks, waterfalls, trees, and grasses in an instant. They spread out in a feeling of the air, and convey humidity, wind, and the scent of woods psychedelically. It is filled with substances and solvents which are ontological conditions of painting, emotions of the body which conform the physical law, intervene and react at every moment during painting, and the traces which reflect a pile of senses. Chung remembers nature’s scenery, gathers the emotions derived from seeing scenery outside the window, and draws it as material signs of paints which spread out every moment. I recalled a series of lithographs which he made long time ago. It feels as if the style of his lithographs which is full of pictorial traces revives in the paintings of the present.



 정상곤의 화면은 들끓는 질료들의 혼돈 상태를 드러낸다. 화면은 전체적으로 유동적이고 걷잡을 수 없는 속도감이나 흔들림, 눅눅한 습기와 끈적임, 떨림의 상태로 자욱하다. 격렬한 운동감이 느껴지고 시간의 흐름과 그 풍경을 대면했을 때 파생되는 감각의 멀미들이 밀어닥치는 듯하다. 흡사 영상적으로 진동하는 화면이자 디지털적 감성이 아날로그적 그리기와 충돌하고 있는 형국이다. 유화물감을 녹이는 용매제의 과잉은 화면 전체를 습하게 만들어놓아 화면 안에 놓인 물성들은 고정되지 못하고 부유한다. 물감을 묽게 흘리고 번지고 빠르고 격렬하게 붓으로 긋고 칠하고 문질러댄 자취들만이 가득하다. 필연과 우연이 공존하고 이미지와 질료가 넘나들고 디지털과 아날로그가 혼재하고 표면(껍질)과 깊이가 뒤섞이는, 조화를 이루며 공존하는 회화다. 몇 겹의 층을 이루는 표면의 흔적이 얼핏 산과 바위, 폭포와 나무, 풀들을 떠올려준다. 그것들은 대기감 속에 아득하게 펼쳐져있고 습기와 바람, 훅 하고 덤벼드는 숲의 눅눅한 내음, 물소리 등을 환각적으로 안겨주는 편이다. 그림을 이루는 존재론적 조건인 물질과 용매재, 그리고 물리적인 법칙의 순응과 함께 몸놀림, 그림 그리는 매 순간 개입하고 반응하는 몸의 감정, 감각의 층차를 고스란히 반영하는 흔적으로 가득하다. 경험했던 자연풍경을 기억하고 그림 그리는 순간 창문밖에 자리한 자연풍경을 바라보면서 파생되는 감정들을 수렴해서 매순간 펼쳐지는 물감의 물질적 기호들로 그려내고 있다. 나는 오래전에 그가 제작했던 일련의 석판화가 떠올랐다. 그 회화적 자취로 흥건했던 석판화 스타일이 현재의 풍경화에 오롯이 환생하고 있다는 느낌이다.




Selected Exhibitions

Selected Collections


1991        MFA, Painting, Seoul National University, Korea

1987        BFA, Painting, Seoul National University, Korea

2018        Novosibirsk International Triennial of contemporary graphic art 2018 (Russia) Grand Prix

2007        International Prints Triennial Oldenburg (Germany) Prize of City of Mayor of Oldenburg

2007    14th Tallinn Print Triennial, (Estonia) 3 Equal Prize

2004        13th Tallinn Print Triennial, (Estonia) 3 Equal Prize

2000        Cracow International Prints Triennial, (Poland) Regular Prize.

1999        Ljubljana International Biennial of Graphic Art, (Slovenia) Grand Prize

1998        11th Tallinn Print Triennial, (Estonia) Grand Prize

1997        Cracow International Prints Triennial, (Poland) Regular Prize.

1996        Seoul International Prints Biennial, Purchase prize.

1992        Dong-A Fine Arts Festival, First Prize.

1990        Korean Contemporary Prints Public Subscription, First Prize.

The 9th Korean Grand Arts Exhibition, Second Prize.

Space International Miniature Prints Biennial, Grand Prize.

2024        Minuscape, Q-art Space, Korea

2023        Still Life_Memory_Scape, Gallery imazoo, Seoul, Korea

2023        Skin Deep_Still Life, Tong-In Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2023        Minuscape_Winter Forest, Gallery The FLOW, Seoul, Korea

2022        A Trivial Landscape, Khalifa Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2021        Minuscape , Novosibirsk State Art Museum, Russia

2021        'Chung, Sanggon's Scape Painting', Gallery The Flux, Seoul, Korea

2020        'Crossing the Spring', Gallery The Flux, Seoul, Korea

2019        Minuscape, Forest6 Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2018    Minuscape, Kunst One, Seoul, Korea

2017        Minuscape, Tong-In Auction Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2017        Minuscape, Cyart Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2016        Minuscape, Samtoh Gallery, Korea

2016        Skin Deep, Gallery3, Korea

2015        Skin Deep, Haslla Museum, Korea

2014        Skin Deep, Imazoo Gallery, Seoul, Korea

2013        Skin Deep, Lee Gallery, Berlin, Germany

                  Skin Deep, Samtoh Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Novosibirsk State Art Museum (Russia)

Jeju Museum of Art (Korea)

Park Soo Keum Museum (Korea)

Alive Jincheon Printmaking Museum (Korea)

Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art (Korea)

The National Museum of Contemporary Art (Korea)

Seoul Museum of Art (Korea)

Municipal Museum of Arts (Hungary)

The Korea Development Bank (Korea)

International Centre of Graphic Arts (Ljubljana)

The Art Museum of Estonia (Tallinn)

HanWhan Museum (Korea)

British Museum (England)

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