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Shim Moon Seup


 Shim Moon-seup (b.1943-), who uses vibrant nature as the basis of his work, explores the world of endless possibilities by experimenting with various media and forms. Shim has been exhibiting his works in Paris, Tokyo, and Beijing, and was awarded the Excellence Award at the 2nd Henry Moore Grand Prize in 1981 and the Chevalier dans I’ordre des Arts et Lettres in 2007. Since the mid-2000s, Shim has expanded the scope of his works that have continued as a sculptor by showing paintings and photography works. He mainly used materials from nature, such as soil, stone, wood, and iron for his sculptures, and pursued a state where nature and humans become a coherent whole and the poetic effects arising from these mutual interactions. Recently, while continuing his interests in nature, he tried to capture the infinite order, rhythm, movement, and enormous energy of waves in his canvas, recalling the sea, where he interacted and breathed with his whole body in his hometown of Tongyeong as a child. Shim paints the canvas with oil paint and repeats brushstrokes with watercolor on it, which often generates a mixture or separation of different substances. The repeated brushstrokes both reveal and hide the background, resembling a continuous field of waves forming and disappearing. The brushstrokes in his paintings seem to circulate infinitely. For him, painting is not an object locked in a rectangular frame, but a space with infinite mobility and circulation. In this way, Shim continues his works that convey the flow of meaning that constantly grows and changes.

 조각가로 왕성하게 활동하다 2000년대 이후 회화작업을 병행하고 있다. 그의 회화는 바다의 수평선과 반복되는 물결의 이미지를 연상시킨다. 조각에서 물질의 개념을 탐구했던 그의 작업 철학이 페인팅에서 어떻게 반영되고 전개되는지를 살펴볼 수 있다.

심문섭의 작품은 생성과 소멸, 존재와 시간, 응집성과 개방성, 공존성과 기변성을 그대로 품고 있다.


“내가 추구하는 것은 인간과 물질이 서로 만나서 얽히는 사이의 시적인 양상이다,”

나의 방법은 바탕 만들기에서 그 과정의 치밀성을 들어낸다. 보통 20가지 색 면 층을 축적해나가는 일 자체가 엄청난 도로에 값한다. 또한 이를 적절하게 다듬어가는 긁어내기는 더욱 도로로 비친다. 무수하게 색층을 쌓아 올리는 일도 그렇거니와 쌓아 올린 색층을 긁어낸다는 것은 더욱 황당한 일로 치부되기 때문이다. 아마도 긁어냄으로써 획득되는 미묘한 물감층의 리듬이 없었더라면, 색깔들이 만드는 신비로운 광채가 없었더라면 얼마나 허무한 일이겠는가. 그리고 빼곡하게 채워지는 작은 방들의 내밀한 구성이 자아내는 웅장한 합창이 없었더라면 이 또한 얼마나 싱거운 표면이겠는가. 덕지덕지 쌓아 올린 안료 층의 육중한 시각적 압도는 만약 그 내면에 끊임없이 생성되는 생명의 리듬이 없었다면 그것은 단순한 덩어리에 지나지 않을 것이다.





Selected Exhibitions

1943 Tongyeong, Korea

MFA Hong-ik University

BFA Seoul National University

2009, The 8th Moon Shin Art Award

2007, Chevalier dans l'ordre des Arts et Lettres

2002, France-Korea Cultural Prize

1987, The 1st Se Choong Sculpture Award

1981, The 2nd Hennry Moore Grand Prize, The Excellence Awards

1971, The National Art Exhibition of the Republic of Korea, The Prime Minister Award

1970 The 1st Korean Art Grand-prix Exhibition, Superiority Prize

1970,1969 The National Art Exhibition of the Republic of Korea, The Minister of Culture Award

2022  Gana Art Center, Seoul (Solo)

2022  The Icons, Woonjoong Gallery, Seong nam (Group)

2021  life and extinction, Interart Channel, Seoul (Solo)

2019  The Path of Pausing and Flowing with the Wood, Blueme Museum of Contemporary Art, Paju (Solo)

2017 「Shim Moon Seop」, MMCA, Gwacheon (Solo)

2016 「Shim Moon Seop」, Arario Gallery, Cheonan (Solo)

2016 La presentation, Shim Moon Seup, Domaine de Kerguehennec, Bignan, France (Solo)

2015 Beijing Tokyo Art Project, Beijing, China (Solo)

2014 「Shim Moon Seop」,Hyundai Gallery, Seoul (Solo)

2012 「Shim Moon Seop」,Daegu Art Museum, Daegu (Solo)

2011 Gallery Baudoin Lebon, Paris, France (Solo)

2010 Yu-an Art Museum, Beijing, China (Solo)

2008 Hakgojae , Seoul (Solo)

2008 Muse des Arts Asiatiques de Nice, Nice (Solo)

2007 Jardin du Palais-Royal, Paris (Solo)

2001 Gallery Rabouan Moussion, Paris (Solo)

1999 Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo (Solo)

1989 The Grayson College, Chicago, USA (Solo)

1988 International Biennial of paper Artⅱ, Leopold Hoesch Museum der stadt Duren, Germany (Group)

1988 Gallery Hyundai, Seoul (Solo)

1986 Studio D'ars, Millano, Italy (Solo)

1983 Ryo Gallery, Kyoto, Japan  (Solo)

1981  The 2nd Henry Moore Grand Prize Exhibition, Hakone, Japan (Group)

1979 Komai Gallery, Tokyo (Solo)

1965 Busan Gallery, Busan (Solo)

Selected Collections

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea

Leeum, Seoul

Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul

Seoul Museum of Art

Hakone Museum, Japan 

FNAC Paris



'깊은 바다로부터 건져 올린 
근원적  푸른색
하늘로부터 부서져 내리는 욕망
부서지는 하얀색’


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